Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Bookshelf: The Fault in Our Stars

So I am a bit late on this one and I know it. Almost everyone I know has read this book and, of course, I wait until the day the trailer for the movie is released. Don't worry, it has been on my "to-read" list for a really long time, I honestly have just gotten around to reading it and, can I say . . . I loved it!

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green was an excellent book filled with intelligence, tragedy, and romance. I really enjoyed Green's style of writing and the emotional roller-coaster the novel took you on. I, unfortunately, already knew the ending to the book before I started it, but didn't let that ruin how I looked at the book. I might have known how it ended but I had never read the prose before and I enjoyed it immensely. I want to say more but I don't want to give anything away for those who have been living under a rock, like I had, and haven't read it yet. Okay.

"My thoughts are stars I can't fathom into constellations," John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Spring Fling

The cycle is vicious. When it is summer, I long for fall. When it is fall, I long for winter. When it is winter, I long for spring. When it is spring, I long for summer. Repeat. It is a horrible cycle that never ends because I love different aspects of each season which are unique to the season itself. Take winter for example; in winter I love the crisp, cool weather and the plethora of sweaters that invades my closet. Unfortunately though, those sweaters are getting a hot and uncomfortable and the abundance of snow hitting Richmond is ridiculous. More than anything right now I am wishing for spring.

Spring means many things for me. For one thing, it is the beginning of showchoir season which is always fun! It is also the only time of the year where wearing shorts and a sweatshirt is considered socially acceptable. Not only that, it is also the time of year where it is warm enough for me to run outside again, which is my favorite thing to do! Spring also provides warm, shady spots to curl up with a book outside in the backyard and by the river, which is something I really need to do. It also means that we are getting closer and closer to graduation and Spring Break!

"When spring came, even the false spring, there were no problems except to where to be happiest. The only thing that could spoil a day was people and if you could keep from making engagements, each day had no limits. People were always the limiters of happiness except for the very few that were as good as spring itself." Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast

Monday, February 17, 2014

A Thespian's Guide to Chanel

I have recently started a collaboration blog with my very good friend Ray call A Thespian's Guide to Chanel. I am really excited for this project for many reasons but the main reason is the blogs motto, "Where Dramatics Magazine meets Vogue." Dramatics Magazine and Vogue are two of my absolute favorite magazines and with this blog, Ray and I are attempting (and succeeding) to merge the two! Plus, the blogs title is a tribute to one of my favorite shows, A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder.

So here is a little background: Ray is one of my very best friends. We met freshman year while working on The Wedding Singer and immediately clicked over our love for theatre and fashion. Over the past 3 years we have grown closer as friends and are even dance partners and co-dance captains in our mixed showchoir, Current Edition. We are so excited to share our love of fashion and theatre with the public!

"May the fierce be with you" and don't forgets to always "keep it classy."

Monogram Monday: The Necklace

The monogrammed necklace is probably the most simple monogram accessory that says the most about who you are. Not only does it contain your monogram, but the style that the necklace takes on is just as important and says so much about you. Since the necklace is the most popular way to wear a monogram, there are so many different styles: a simple engraving on a silver chain, gold monogram, silver monogram, and acrylic with fun colors, just to name a few! I have quite a collecting of monogrammed necklaces including a simple engraving, a gold monogram, two single letters, and a fun acrylic (if you like the ones pictured above you can fin them here)! All of them are great choices but the tough part is picking the one that is just right for you! 

Happy Monogram Monday!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The City That Never Sleeps

People refer to New York City as many things, probably the most common is the city that never sleeps, but I like to call it the island of dreams. Manhattan is filled to the brim with people that have dreams; dreams of being an actor, a writer, a dancer, a lawyer, a stockbroker, and dreams of just being fabulous but all of them have the same goal in mind: being successful. It is like a modern day fairy tale, the city where dreams can come true.

Last week I took a 3 day excursion to Manhattan and had the time of my life doing the things I love to do: shopping at all my favorite stores, seeing fabulous theater, indulging myself with some delicious food! It seriously was a fabulous week spent in a city that I have fallen in love with over the last 5 years. This morning I woke up and looked out my bed room window and wished I was looking at 8th Avenue instead of the houses across the street in my suburban neighborhood. I love everything about the city, the smell and the sounds, the abundance of peoples and cultures, the welcoming mystery that it has, and the peace that falls upon it when it snows. I always yearn for all Manhattan has to offer, love it when I am there, and then return home with an even greater lust for the city!

"New York. Concrete jungle where dreams are made of, there's nothing you can't do! Now you're in New York! These streets will make you feel brand new, big lights will inspire you! Let's here it for New York!" Empire State of Mind, Jay-Z and Alicia Keys

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Remember This Moment

I have been having a difficult time this week. Not only have I found myself in constant conflict with a few of my peers, I also received some disappointing news that I was not prepared for or ready to hear (maybe one day I will talk about it, but not now). On top of all of that, I have been a frazzled mess when it comes to being prepared for the activities I am apart of. Recently I have found that I am always forgetting . . . everything. Sometimes, in the hard times, it is hard to find inspiration, happiness, and God in the situation. I have been struggling with all of these things so far this week but, at Elevate tonight I really started to get some insight into how God was working through these horrific situations I am constantly finding myself in which is helping me see inspiration and happiness that fills my life. 

I still have a lot that I need to figure out and, obviously, I don't know everything but, I just felt inspired to write this post in order to inspire y'all to look for God through the horrific situations you find yourself in and to remember where you are and how you feel at that moment in time. I only say that because history is proven to repeat itself and I will most likely feel like this again in the future. Just as the Israelite's would always remember the cries of the Egyptians after the Passover, I will always remember how I feel right now and how God carried me and helped me uncover the inspiration and happiness in my life once again. People suck, but God is ALWAYS good!

" 'This is a day you are to commemorate; for the generations to come you shall celebrate it as a festival to the LORD -- a lasting ordinance,' " Exodus 12:14

Monday, February 3, 2014

Monogram Monday: The Sweatshirt

The monogrammed sweatshirt is an epidemic that is sweeping the nation (or at least Richmond, Virginia), and with good reason. It has all the comfort of a sweatshirt with the cute, stylish touch of the monogram. I own one myself and it is one of my favorite pieces in my closet (the sweatshirt pictured above is not mine but can be found here)! So if you don't have a monogrammed sweatshirt I highly suggest you purchase one because they are totally worth it!

Happy Monogram Monday!

Sunday, February 2, 2014


So it has really been a while since my last post, almost a week actually! A lot can happen in a week, and a lot did happen in a week: TARZAN opened (yay!) and closed (aw), we had two snow days, I had some cleansing cries, my knee started to get better, and I spent some time reading and writing. This past week was hard but I truly believe that hard was what I needed because, with the Superbowl behind me, I feel mentally and physically prepared to take on this week and month!

After Christmas, Carey and I went to Barnes & Noble looking for wall calendars for 2014. I saw this Workman calendar and just couldn't resist! This calendar is absolutely wonderful, so vibrant plus it has a different shoe every day! One thing I absolutely love about it though is that it has a new quote for each month.


"A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous." Coco Chanel

Just a little something to remember as we dive into February!