Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I am very organized when it comes to my social calendar. I keep two calendars, my Lilly Pulitzer Day Planner and my iCloud calendar on my iPhone. In my Day Planner, I write out "to-do's" and plug in when I have social events both on the month calender and the daily calenders. For my iCloud calendar I have 6 different calendars made up of 6 different colors: pink is for Anything Goes, purple is for Current Edition, orange is for Bible Study, green is my "personal" calendar (pretty much anything that doesn't fall into the other categories), blue is for shows/rehearsals, and yellow is for any event related to CCC. I have it organized like this so when I look at my day outlook on my iPhone I can see the different meetings and rehearsal I have and what they are for. When it comes to the activities I do socially, I am not messing around and I want to make sure I don't schedule two things at once (has happened and let me tell you, not fun).

But sometimes, spur of the moment events just pop up and, as much as I love social calendar organization, I love these times! Tonight was one of them. At 9:14 my friend Jessie texted me asking if I wanted to see Catching Fire with her and a few other mutual friends at 9:55. Naturally, being the organized person that I am, I thought she was talking about 9:55 in the morning. I was wrong. She meant in 41 minutes. My first reaction was,"Okay, PANIC!" but then I realized that, I don't have school in the morning and, hey, it doesn't hurt to ask Mama and see if she will let me out of the house. So I regained my composure and went downstairs and asked Susie if I could go see the movie. To my surprise, she said yes! So I hurried upstairs and gathered my stuff together for the film!

I had such a great time during this spontaneous moment! I haven't see Jessie in a while since she has been away at school and I am stuck here . . . in Richmond . . . in high school. But I digress. I had so much fun being spontaneous tonight and I loved it!

Planning ahead is amazing but everyone needs a spontaneous moment thrown in every once in a while to spice things up a bit

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