I have loved blogging and one thing that I absolutely love about it is getting recognized for my work. Like any blogger, some days are better than others but, overall, I have been working really hard building up my content and I feel pretty confident about what I have done here at Catty Cornered Cafe. That is why I was so excited today when I found out that Abby from
The Preppy Coxswain nominated me for The Liebster Award.
The Liebster Award is an award given to new bloggers who have a small following. Other bloggers nominate blogs which they feel have potential and the nominees have to answer their questions! So, here I go!
1. What is your favorite accessory for the Winter? Summer?
For the winter my favorite accessory would have to be a scarf. The only problem is that I have so many of them it is hard to choose a favorite of them. For the summer my favorite is, undisputed, my Jack Rogers. I love them and I practically wear them everywhere!
2. Why did you start blogging and what do you like/dislike about it?
Blogging is always something that I have wanted to do but I never had the right motive so, whenever I would start I would end up quitting after a few posts. Finally, after a convicting conversation with
Leigh, a motivation speech about regrets from my youth pastor, and a little bit of encouragement from
The College Prepster (more about that
here) I decided that, sink or swim I was diving in. One thing that I love about blogging is that I get to share my ideas with the world and, whenever I am writing I am so happy. One thing that I dislike is when I go for a while without posting because I have absolutely ZERO inspiration. Those days are the lows of blogging for sure.
3. If you had one word to describe yourself, what would it be?
Sparkly. I feel like I have a very sparkly personality. I am loud yet quiet, outgoing yet very much introverted. A major prep and classy girl with a secret nerd side (yes, yes I am a complete nerd. Just ask
Morgan). I hate romance novels but can't get enough of romance movies, unless the novel was written by Jane Austen. I am clean and sharp on the outside but a chaotic mess on the inside. As soon as I hear music I must dance, I yearn to dance. There is so much more about me. Everything I am is a contradicting but isn't that what glitter is. Everything about glitter is unique; not one piece is alike and each piece contradicts itself, like my personality. That is why I am sparkly.
4. What is your dream job?
I would have to say that my dream job is a Broadway actress and lifestyle columnist on the side. I can see it now: "Catherine McMullan, writer by day, star by night!"
5. What is your favorite quote?
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." Ernest Hemingway
6. Silver or gold?
Is that even a question? Ummm, GOLD!
7. What are three things on your wish list right now?
8. What trait is your biggest strength?
My ability to take charge and to let my desire to be the best trump my desire to be viewed pleasurably by others. This answer really applies to my abilities as a leader in a group setting more than anything else but I believe it is what makes me a great leader and, therefore, is my strength.
9. What trait is your biggest weakness?
My shyness. I know it is hard to believe but I am an extremely shy person and usually keep to myself. Because of this I have always had a hard time making friends, which is something I regret and wish I could change.
10. What is your biggest fear?
I fear putting my trust in the wrong person. I have put my trust in so many people before and have been let down that I never know who to trust and when I feel I can trust someone I am reluctant to do so.
11. What advice would you give to someone just starting up their blog?
Don't write solely for the purpose of attracting viewers. Write for you, and only you and what happens, happens and you need to be okay with that. The only way to be successful in blogging is by realizing and accepting the fact that some will fail and some will lose when it comes to how popular your blog gets but none of that matters if everything you did was for you and no one else.
Now for my nominations!
Okay nominees, here's what you do! Answer my 11 questions for you and then nominate 11 more bloggers with less than 200 followers and ask them a new set of 11 questions. This award is really just designed so bloggers can help other bloggers get more viewers.
Now for my questions. You ready? Here we go!
1. What blog or blogger inspired you to start blogging?
2. What is it about blogging that keeps you going, what keeps you blogging?
3. What would song would you consider your theme song?
4. What would you say your all time favorite post is?
5. Lipstick or Lip-gloss?
6. Writing or sharing a story with pictures?
7. What book has inspired you the most and why?
8. Do diary or no diary?
9. What would you consider your biggest weakness and why?
10. What is your passion?
11. Where do you see yourself in 15 years?
I am really looking forward to reading everyone's answers to my questions and getting to know a few more bloggers. Thanks again Abby for nominating me, and my nominees . . . have fun!