Sunday, July 27, 2014

Let's Go GNO

This summer has been so chaotic that I was in serious need of a Girls Night Out. The a lot of my friends have been out of town or traveling this summer so I have spent a lot of time reading (not that I mind, I LOVE to read). I also found myself in a serious inspirational rut and nothing sparks inspiration like a night out with your girlfriends. I was really starving for some girl time when an invitation for a GNO found it's way into my inbox. After checking my calendar I replied immediately, there was no way I was missing this! 

Then it was here, the GNO I had been waiting for! Last week, my girlfriends and I all met at The Melting Pot, a fondue place in Richmond, for food, drinks (lemonade) and fun! 

We have a tradition of taking a group selfie whenever we are all together! Looks like we were caught in action

Nothing says GNO like a big group hug after dinner!

These young women have been like family to me since 6th grade and I love them all to death. They were the perfect group of girls to get together with and get the inspirational juices flowing again!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Anomaly, Luminary, and Revolutionary

Today I finished the Anomaly series by Krista McGee. This series absolutely took my breath away. I was immediately drawn in after the first couple of pages of the first book in the dystopian trilogy, Anomaly (I reviewed that last week) and couldn't put the other two down.

As I said in my previous post, the Anomaly trilogy follows are young woman named Thalli and her struggle, escape, and desire to overthrow and defeat the State, an underground post-nuclear war society located under the Rocky Mountains. As I read I got to experience with Thalli as she discovered her emotions weren't bad and met The Designer, the one who ultimately designed everything and has a place for her in heaven. 

These books are Christian fiction so, if you don't like "religion being shoved in your face and down your throat" when you read, I would advise you not pick up this series. Faith is an important part of the novels and is part of what makes Thalli and her friends, Berk, John, Rhen, Dallas, and Alex who they are. Without those aspects, the novels wouldn't be what they are.

On the other hand, these are excellent books and the best dystopian series I have ever read, hands down. If you don't mind the Christian aspects of the books, I strongly suggest you add this series to your summer reading list (what's left of it) and get started right away. They are amazing and each book will have you aching for the words of the next one!

What's your favorite dystopian series?

Rainy Days and Toddlers: A Survival Guide

Two days ago I had the opportunity and joy of playing with two wonderful toddlers on an absolutely rainy day. Now, for most people that would be very discouraging because 1. you are playing with two hyperactive toddlers 2. it is rainy 3. you are playing with two hyperactive toddlers inside the house when all they really want to do is run around in the rain. Well, my friend Emma and I were up to the challenge. We used the knowledge that the kids wanted to be outside playing in the rain to our advantage as we planned the activities for the day that morning. We were able to combine the fun of playing in the rain with the shelter of playing inside and pack a bunch of activities into one hyperactive morning! So here is a list of activities that I like the call Rainy Days and Toddlers: A Survival Guide.


Activity 1 was our first activity for the day. Emma and I showed up while the kids were eating breakfast so we used that time to prepare for them the . . . Water Balloon Hunt. This activity is as easy as the title makes it seem. We filled up 16 water balloons (8 for each kid) and hid them all over the backyard. When the kids finished breakfast we helped them put on their rain boots and they were able to hunt for the water balloons in the rain (there was only a slight drizzle but it did fulfill their desire to play in the rain for the day.)

 The kids had so much fun finding the water balloons but I think the best part for the both of them was getting to throw and break them after all 16 where found. They had a blast throwing the balloons at the ground and watching them shatter as the water went everywhere! I definitely suggest this activity if you find yourself needing to entertain toddlers on a slightly rainy day.


After we cleaned up the water balloons and got the kids dried off, Emma and I got to work on our second activity for the day . . . SNOW!

Do not be deceived, we did not actually make it snow (we do not possess that kind of power). This activity is super easy. All that is needed is a can of shaving cream, baking soda, a mixing bowl and stirring spoons. Just put some baking soda and shaving cream in a mixing bowl, mix it all up and tada! Snow! 

We added some blue sprinkles to ours to give it a little bit of color (NOT EDIBLE! I repeat: NOT EDIBLE). This is simply a cheap, homemade version of Moon Sand but keeps the kids entertained for at least 30 minutes, giving you some time to relax, or get started on the next adventure!


The drizzle had subsided, for the time being, so we took the kids outside for some chalk painting. The ingredients for chalk paint is simple. All you really need is some Powdered Kool-Aid, cornstarch, and water. Mix together different flavors of Kool-Aid with the cornstarch and water, and you have homemade chalk paint. This is super easy to use on freshly wet pavement, which was perfect for what we were doing.


Jello Jigglers! Eeep! This one was so much fun to make! It takes about 30 minutes and is something that you would need to actually need to make (hot water and kids are not a good idea) but is super fun for the kids to watch. We let them help stir the powdered flavoring concoction so that they really felt like they were apart of the process. The rest of the time they watched as we mixed the boiling water with the fruity powder to create the Jello liquid! The fun in Jello Jigglers is that you get the congeal the Jello into different shapes using different molds. We used a racecar mold, making 15 Jello treats for the kids to enjoy later!

For the rest of the morning (all 45 minutes of what was left of it) we took the kids outside to play with chalk on the now dry pavement! While Emma watched the kidlings, I ran home and got my dog, Brighton, so that they could play with him before they were called in for lunch. The two had a blast chasing him around the front yard and Brighton had a fun time with the toddlers too. 

It was truly the perfect end to a rainy morning!

So, if you ever find yourself with some joyful, hyperactive toddlers on a rainy day, try some of these activities. They are super simple but will have the kids smiling, laughing, moving, and OCCUPIED for the the day!

Do you have any specific games or activities that you like to play with kids on rainy days?

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


I have just finished reading the dystopian novel Anomaly by Krista McGee. Let me start off with saying that I have read a lot of dystopian novels and this one was by far the best! The book was recommended to me by my friend Emma and I knew that if she recommended it, I was going to like it. I just didn't expect to like it this much! 

The novel was amazing! I was hooked after the prologue, and was totally connecting to the main character Thalli (she was a musician after all, so I could easily see where she was coming from). Thalli lives in a post nuclear war Earth in an underground area called "The State". Everyone in the state has been genetically designed by The Ten to have no emotions, feelings, or be ill. Anyone who differs from this pattern is malformed and considered an anomaly and harmful to the state. All anomalies must be annihilated. The novel took me on an emotional roller coaster filled with plot twists and characters I just wasn't expecting.

I am so excited that this is the first of series, the other two books were released this July and when I get back from Blacksburg, I plan to have them on my bookshelf! Amazing!

What has been your favorite dystopian novel?

Back in Blacksburg

I have freshman orientation for Virginia Tech these next couple of days and I couldn't be more excited! I mean there is nothing more exciting than spending time in a place that I love with all my heart, and I love Blacksburg with all my heart! My mom, dad, and I arrived in Blacksburg today and just had a blast walking around the town and the Virginia Tech campus. I will admit, we got lost a few times, but we always found our way back to an area we knew!

We grabbed dinner at Cabo Fish Taco before heading off on our exploration!

Just look at how beautiful the drillfield looked this evening. 

Let me just say I am so happy to be back at the place that I love so much! I cannot wait for orientation to begin and move in day cannot come fast enough!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

"Dance First. Think Later."

This summer has just been filled with relaxation time and, as many know, if I'm not moving, I'm reading. I have read a lot of really good books this summer and have plenty more on my list. School starts in a month so I have a lot of reading to get through before I am thrown into the whirlwind that is college. 
One of the most memorable books I have read this summer (so far) is "Dance First. Think Later." by Kathryn and Ross Petras. What I liked about this book was that it was unlike anything I have ever read before. Most of the books I read are novels or non-fiction and all of them have a set plot. When I first picked up this book, I had been eyeing it on my aunt's coffee table for a week and was thinking it was going to be a non-fiction guide book of some sort. Boy was I in for a surprise. "Dance First. Think Later." is a collection of quotes or, as Kathryn and Ross call them, rules. 618 of them to be exact. It isn't something that I would normally pick up off the shelf  in the store but has easily become one that I am going to add to my personal bookshelf. The 618 Rules that lie within the pages of this book are funny, thought-provoking, and downright inspiring. 

Here are 10 of my favorites: 53 58

Rule No. 7: "If you're alone in the kitchen and you drop the lamb, you can always just pick it up.
                    who's going to know?"
                                                     -Julia Child

Rule No. 40: "Dance first. Think later. It's the natural order."
                                                     -Samuel Beckett

Rule No. 70: "Don't carry a grudge. While you're carrying the grudge, the other guy's out dancing"
                                                     -Buddy Hacket

Rule No. 326: "Any time you have an opportunity to make a difference in this world and you don't,
                        then you are wasting your time on Earth."
                                                     -Roberto Clemente
                                                          Baseball Player

Rule No. 462: "Stare. It is the way to educate your eye, and more. Stare, pry, listen, eavesdrop. Die
                        knowing something. You are not here long."
                                                     -Walker Evans

Rule No. 474: "Chase after the truth like all hell and you'll free yourself, even though you never touch
                        its coat tails."
                                                     -Clarence Darrow
Rule No. 496: "I once complained to my father that I didn't seem to be able to do things the same way
                        other people did. Dad's advice? 'Margo, don't be a sheep. People hate sheep. They eat 
                        sheep.' "
                                                     -Margo Kaufman

Rule No. 513: "There are two kinds if people, those who do the work and those who take the credit. 
                        Try to be in the first group; there is less competition there."
                                                     -Indira Gandhi

Rule No. 558: "In whatever you are doing, failure is an option. But fear is not."
                                                     -James Cameron
                                                          Film Director

Rule No. 595: "Be willing to make decisions . . . Don't fall victim to what I call the 'ready-aim-aim-
                        aim-aim' syndrome."
                                                     -T. Boone Pickens

I absolutely adore all of the wisdom this book has to offer. I mean, these rules are only 10 out of the 618 AMAZING rules in this book! I definitely know that I will be referencing this book a lot in the future, there is just so much to learn from it!

What are some of your favorite "Words of Wisdom"?

Friday, July 4, 2014

We the People . . .

Happy Independence Day everyone! I hope you are all having an amazing Fourth!

The Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays and while I was in China I was just counting down the days until I could go out and watch the fireworks on the beach. Unfortunately, I will still be counting down the days. Due to Hurricane Arthur, all fireworks on the beach have been canceled for tonight. Can you say MAJOR bummer. I am really bummed. Luckily for us though, it is almost gaurenteed that there will be fireworks going on nonstop for the next three days, so triple the celebration for those braving the storm at the Outer Banks (whoop whoop!!!!).

For those of you out of harms way (referring to the storm), pack a picnic and find the absolute best place to watch the glorious Fourth of July fireworks, think of me, and enjoy all of the festivities! Sad I am going to be missing out on the celebration but I will still be celebrating at heart (I plan to be dressed head to toe in red, white, and blue!).

Where are you planning on celebrating our independence tonight?  

Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Calm Before the Storm

Hey everyone, it’s Catherine reporting live from hurricane central. That’s right, I’m at the Outer Banks anticipating the arrival of Hurricane Arthur. The TV and radio is filled with hurricane “breaking news” and evacuation notices for certain parts of the beach. As we were making our way in we saw about 20 to 30 cars leaving the beach, not because they have to but out of fear. Everyone has gotten so worked up over this hurricane, a storm that has yet to arrive. 

The funny thing is, even though everyone is so worked up over this hurricane inside, if you were to walk outside you wouldn’t even know a storm was coming. The calm before the storm. 

Don’t we see this a lot? I mean, it is so so so relevant in daily life. Before something big happens, no matter what it is, we always have this feeling of calm, peace, or serenity. Life always seems to be going well before the bad happens, the calm before the storm. 

I try to revel in these peaceful moments, because they are usually pretty fleeting. It’s just great to sit during these peaceful moments and read, or spend time with a really good friend. No matter how long your “calm” lasts, whether it’s one day or one year, don’t take it for granted. Make the most of what little calm you have because a storm is coming.

So today, I am going to enjoy the heat, sun, and serenity of the Outer Banks, before the hurricane, because who knows when I’m going to get another day like this one.

The Fourths's of the Past

In the spirit of the Fourth of July and all of the American pride and spirit that arises during this time of year (World Cup, Independence Day . . . how can we not be spirited?!) I have decided to dedicate this post to the Fourths of the past.

Many families have a set tradition of what they do for Independence Day. Mine, not so much. But, in the past few years we have come up with a pretty solid plan, for Fourth of July weekend. My mom, sister, and I pack our bags and head down to North Carolina to celebrate our independence on the beach! That right folks, I'm going on another road trip (last known one of the summer though). We spend the weekend sunning and reading and playing a mean, weekend-long game of Phase 10! It's really great to get together and just have a long girls weekend. But it wasn't always like this . . .

In past years my family has celebrated the Fourth in many way. Once I celebrated it in the mountains of West Virginia rafting down the New River while my family was at home in RVA. Another year I celebrated in Princeton, NJ while, again, my family was in RVA. When we were really young, we would go to Edenton and watch the fireworks over the Edenton Bay. In grade school we would go to the beach with friends for a week!

As you can see, my family doesn't really have a set "Fourth of July weekend vacation" but whatever we do, we do in style! Just one day away!

P.S. If you happen to be on a beach in North Carolina and see a blonde girl skipping down the beach singing "And I'm proud to be an American" . . . it's probably me . . . 

Does your family have any special Fourth of July traditions?

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Travels of June

So I know I have been gone for a while but I am a very, very busy bee! Now that my schedule has finally opened up, I have time to sit down and write!

So I have spent the month of June traveling. After graduation (that's right, I am officially a high school graduate!!!) I traveled down to the Outer Banks with some of my closest friends for some beach time. We spent the week reading and chatting and just having a great time. Seriously, I got through 3 AMAZING novels in five days: Redeeming Love, The Husband's Secret, and I'll Be Seeing You.

The whole week we were as dysfunctional as usual. (Pulled from instagram)

Carrie joined us later in the week!

The beach was absolutely perfect and exactly what I needed to decompress after all of the graduation festivities!

When I returned from the beach I had a week to sort through graduation presents and get my life ready to take on summer. Then off to Charlotte, NC for my cousin Matt's Wedding! This wedding absolutely magical and one of the most beautiful and fun weddings I've ever been to. Brianne, Matt's now wife, was so so so beautiful and was super nice! Everything about the Wedding festivities was fantastic; the rehearsal dinner, the dance, the wedding, and the reception were all picture perfect!

Caroline and myself with Mary Meade and the groom at the rehearsal dinner!

There was a dance hosted after the rehearsal dinner and I was lucky to have danced with two of the amazing men in my life: my dad and my grandad, Piney

Brianne looked absolutely stunning and I could tell that Matt couldn't be happier. They were so cute and so in love and that evident and clear to everybody that was there!

The morning after the wedding my dad and I got up early and headed off to Charlotte International Airport for my big trip of the summer . . . Shanghai, China! Traveling to the People's Republic of China was one of the most amazing and terrifying experiences of my life and staying in the largest city in the world was the icing on the cake! My dad had to go for business so we were on an all expenses paid, luxury trip to Shanghai!

After a 14 hour plane ride from Chicago to Shanghai, we finally arrived! We stayed at the beautiful Grand Hyatt located in the magnificent Jin Mao Tower in Pudong, Shanghai!

One the first day my friend Cullen and took a guided tour around Puxi, Shanghai and were able to visit the old French and British Concessions. The French Concession was quaint with cobble stone streets and old stone houses. It was very European and picturesque. The British concession was grand and reminded me of 5th Avenue, Manhattan. Both were absolutely beautiful!

Cullen bought a Chinese fan for a friend and we got to watch the woman put the fan together.

We spotted a Gelato and New York Pizza stand in the French Concession! It was so cool, we were in a completely different world and then, there it was, something way too familiar! It was a little surreal!

Don't these pictures of the British Concession remind you of Central Park? Walking through these streets I felt like I was back in the United States, although I knew that I was far from the USA!

We also went to a food and bird market while in the French and British Concessions. Cullen got pictures of that (I was too astounded to really get pictures of that stuff, it was so different!)

We also went to the Jade Buddha Temple in Shanghai. This was a really cool experience because, as a Baptist from Virginia, USA, I had never seen a Buddhist temple before, let alone been in one! Our amazing Tour guide Susan told us so much about the temple and what everything meant inside. I learned a lot about the religion and got to see some believers worshiping and we made our way through the temple. Unfortunately, they don't allow any pictures to be taken of the Jade Buddha but here is a little bit of what I got!

One the second day we went to the big Grand Opening Event of the new Lifestyle showroom in Shanghai (the whole reason we were even there) and then ended the night with a beautiful river cruise around Shanghai! It was one of the most breathtaking experiences of my life!

This is Cullen and myself in front of Pudong!

On Wednesday Cullen and myself went to the Shanghai Art Museum. There we so many beautiful exhibits but we visited the Jade, Clothing, Paintings, and Currency (at my request) exhibits! I had a fantastic time at the museum on the rainy morning because, not only was it inside, it was amazing! Later that night we met the rest of the Lifestyle crew at the Zhang Zhou Water Village for dinner and then walked around for a little before heading back to the hotel.

 Cullen and I with our amazing tour guide from Day 1, Susan!

For our last "official" day in Shanghai, Lifestyle organized two tours and we went on both! The first tour was to Yuyuan! These gardens were magnificent, even in the drizzle. There was so much greenery and buildings in Old Shanghai were exactly what you picture when you think of a Chinese city! Later we went to the fake market which was AWESOME but in no way picture perfect, haha!

I caught Daddy trying to take a picture of me in the square!

 We finished up the night with a big farewell party hosted by Lifestyle that lasted till all hours of the night!

My dad and I were leaving for the airport at 12 on Saturday so, Cullen, Barbra, Steve, Amie and I all went down to The Bund and now I understand the saying, "If you haven't visited The Bund, you haven't been to Shanghai," Well let me tell you, whoever came up with that saying was so right! The Bund was beautiful. It is a boardwalk down the river lined with ancient buildings from the British Concession. It was a phenomenal morning walk and I am really happy I got to experience it before I returned to the United States.

Spotted! Chairman Mao on The Bund!

The Bund was an absolute beautiful place to be!

Shanghai was an amazing place to visit and when the time came to get on the plane, I didn't want to go. As much as I miss it there though, there is no place like home!

What traveling have you done this summer?