Sunday, January 19, 2014

Lazy Day

It is either late Saturday night or early Sunday morning, depending on how you look at it. I am one of the last people at the house awake and I am absolutely exhausted after a busy day of relaxing. I am not kidding, all we did was relax. We ate breakfast, fixed a puzzle, ate lunch, read/napped, ate dinner, played games. It was seriously the most relaxing day I have had in a long time. The day went by so fast; we hadn't even sat down to relax after lunch before it was 5 o'clock and time to start helping prepare dinner! It was honestly a blast.

I love weekends like this because I get to spend much needed time with my friends. Today (or yesterday) was great for just sitting back and relaxing. We had absolutely zero plans and we literally just did what most would call, "nothing". I spent some quality time with my mom while fixing a challenging puzzle, got to start a book that I am really excited about reading (Heart of Darkness . . . what, what!) and got to play an awesome game of Taboo - girls against moms - proving that us girls are just as good as the moms at Taboo . . . even if we are playing with an ancient set. It was such an amazing day filled with great food and even better company. The lake is beautiful and even though it feels like below zero outside, we are still making perfect fun inside. This weekend has turned out to be exactly what I hoped it would be and has proven, thus far, to be exactly what I needed!

"Now that I'm lazy I've never been more successful." Bauvard, Some Inspiration for the Overenthusiastic

P.S. I am in no way promoting laziness but, every once in a while, it is necessary. And, hey, I got a lot done  by being lazy. Maybe it wasn't "productive" but it was something worth much more.

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