Wednesday, December 4, 2013

So Little Time. . .

This week I have felt like I have so much to do and so little time to do it. It seems like a constant struggle of figuring out what to do when and making sure I am effectively budgeting my time. This can be really super hard sometimes.

I feel like I have to constantly remind myself that Christmas break is coming up and soon it will be over for three weeks (senior privileges!!) and I can just take a deep breath and relax. But in the midst of all the chaos that is high school it becomes easy to forget that. Every morning I wake up and drag myself out of bed and get ready for the day. Then I head off to school and I am at school from 7:00 to 2:00. Around 2:15 rehearsals start and most days of the week I don't get home until 6:00 (that's about 11 hours at school a day). Depending on the day, sometimes I don't even go home and I go straight to something else. Then when I finally do get home I have homework to prepare myself for the next day. Around 11:30 I get in bed for a short recharge and when the clock hits 5:50 the cycle starts all over again. With a schedule like that it is hard to remember what you are working for and easy to just fall into a "going through the motions" attitude, which is completely what I have right now.

Going through the motions can be tricky to get out but with a little bit of reminding of what you are doing all you are doing for, it suddenly becomes a bit simpler to break out of that habit.

Best of luck to all braving the end of the term! Remember what you are doing it for!

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